What Does a Gorilla Eat?

A mountain gorilla is the most common type of gorilla, and it eats about eighty percent of plants, including leaves, roots, and fruits. It also consumes insects, snails, and ants, which are common in their habitat. It also eats 2% of fruit, mainly acorns. While there are many other species of gorilla, the western lowland […]

The Largest Birds in the World

Common ostrich is one of the largest birds in the world and the largest living bird species. It belongs to the ratite order, and is the only extant species of ostriches. They are flightless creatures native to large areas of Africa. Ostriches have large wings but cannot fly. Their feathers are white with black markings. […]

What Does a Sloth Eat?

One of the most common questions people ask about sloths is, “What do sloths eat?” The answer is, “A lot.” This is an easy question to answer, but there are a few things you should know. A three-toed sloth mainly eats leaves and buds, which it digests slowly. It also eats algae and symbiotic bacteria. […]

What Do Spider Eat?

A new study suggests that many species of spiders eat plants as well as a variety of animal prey. Most species of spiders are vegetarians, but some do eat animals. An acacia tree is a popular choice among spiders because it has white flowers. In fact, Antarctica is the southernmost continent, making it an ideal […]

Does a Shark Lay Eggs?

Many people are interested in knowing whether a shark lays eggs. The majority of species give birth to live young. The rest lay eggs. However, some do not produce or lay eggs. While there is no specific rule that dictates how a shark lays its eggs, the majority of species do. These are known as […]

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